Friday, January 8, 2010

Farewell to Lennox

Yesterday it was cloudy and not exactly beach weather but we couldn't stay away ... Jed showed up with parting gifts from his family, for the boys (and us too) We decided to spend the day at the beach and that is where we stayed all day!

Rod had his last go at surfing and decided the next time he does a surf holiday he is not going unless Kieth (and Mary) come along!

We ended the day with a bbq with Jed and Sophie joining us and a great visit with their mom! The kids were outside playing and saw this bug...even the bugs are beautiful here (can you tell we really don't want to leave...) We ended the day with cleaning and laundry until 2 in the morning

Well we got up early and continued to clean...we had a MAD scramble in the end, but made it to Sydney. We are staying downtown, so we made use of our time and squeezed in as much as we could! We started in Chinatown with something to eat-the first thing we saw was an outdoor food vendor so we enjoyed some squid on a stick.

We walked through downtown to the harbor. We saw"` the Rocks", we made it to the Opera house. We had a good view of the Harbor Street bridge (we actually had the most incredible view from the plane of the whole harbor on our flight in-there was not a cloud in the sky!)

We continued into the Royal Botanic Gardens-which were incredible. They reminded us of the sea wall in Vancouver and Stanley Park...except there were not cute fuzzy squirrels instead there were bats-the boys thought this was the coolest part of their day-especially when they started to wake up and fly around

On our way back to the hotel we happened to walk through Domain Park and we were fortunate to be in the right spot at the right time! There was an outdoor circus/festival performance, running through its dress rehearsal in the park for a performance tomorrow afternoon. It was a great way to end off our day

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