Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The "hinterland' and rainforest

It was a little overcast for the past two days so we did some non beach activities. We decided to head inland and explore some hinterland. We headed for Nightcap National Park which is situated in far north-eastern New South Wales. It was only suppose to be an hour drive but with all the windy back roads and the stops at local artisans it took more like 3hrs-It was absolutely the most incredible country side and landscape-We could not stop taking pictures

...When we got to the park we decided to do a 4.5 km hike to the base of a 100 m waterfall. The hike took us through a subtropical rain forest-it was magnificent (for the first 2 hours.....) We saw some extra large trees, "palm valley", beautiful scenery-it looked like something out of Jurassic Park-everything was great......until we got to the bottom of the valley (near the bottom of the climb down) We did not know that leeches live in rain forests-we thought they lived in water-but we discovered that that is not the case-they were everywhere at the bottom of the climb-and then Jaxon got bite by an ant-we have not been able to find out what kind it was but it was not pretty-as you can imagine the boys were freaking out so this went on for about 20minutes-we got about 5 minutes within reaching the bottom of the waterfall but decided to turn back-everyone survived and once we climbed back up out of the bottom of the gully, things seemed to get better. We did bring a few leeches unknowingly home with us....this photo is of Rods foot-it was obviously a tasty snack.


  1. Hey Guys

    Life is never dull during a Peter's adventure. I doubt many kids back in Vernon will have christmas stories that include leeches and flesh eating ants. Keith says stick to the beach! Lovely pictures - the tree arch is amazing. We have had over a foot of snow with no end in site. WOuld love to be where you are...Thanks for the morning chuckle -- now it's off to shovel snow and collect wood!! We'd take the leeches any day...

  2. Rod's socks are kind of ironic, don't ya think?
